It is used as a separator and disperser against oil and oil pollution spilled on the sea surface. It reacts quickly at the moment of contact and destroys oil and fuel oil waste by rapidly converting it into micro-emulsions. For Small Spills: MARISOLL-OSD is sprayed on the surface of the spill with a spray gun or a fire hose with an injector. Then wait for 15-20 minutes. If there are no waves in the sea for the mixture, high-pressure water should be sprayed on the sea surface with fire hoses. For Large Spills: MARISOLL-OSD is sprayed on the surface where there is pollution by spray boom or injector hoses. In large areas, the product should be sprayed on the sea surface where there is pollution with spray equipment mounted on an engine or helicopter. It is expected to absorb the rash for a while after the application. Then an effective mixture should be provided with a suitable mixing equipment.